It doesn’t matter, if we’re doing it in once a quarter, or for a two-week sprint – test planning is crucial. But if you start by jumping into specific testing scenarios, I promise you, it’s going to bite you in the end. Even earlier.

Effective planning starts with a Top-level test plan. Effective, but still lightweight.

Such a plan creates focus, raises the right issues, and most importantly – it creates team coherence. Everyone who’s part of the planning and execution process, knows what the important issues are, what must work at the end, and what we need to take care of, once we are out of the planning meeting.

The webinar covers the approach and practical steps to create a top-level plan, what we should include and consider. I’ll also talk about what it shouldn’t include and why.

Sounds process-heavy? Doesn’t have to be.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • Why you need Top-Level test planning.
  • What the Top-Level test plan includes.
  • How to apply it to different kinds of releases and testing
  • How to create it the most lightweight way possible

The webinar is intended for testers and test managers who want to improve their quality processes.

You can download the Top-Level Test Planning template here.

If you want to put the plan to action on APIs, check out my “API Automation Testing” workshop

Categories: Uncategorized


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