It’s the test framework battle you didn’t even know you needed. But it’s here anyway.
Which test framework is right for you? Sure, TestNG was the cool cousin of nerdy JUnit 4. But then JUnit 4 called their big brother for help. How do JUnit 5 and TestNG match up?
And more important for us: Which one helps bring out the best in your tests, making them more readable and maintainable? How do they help with TDD? And is either one worth the commitment?
We’ll compare features and see how they impact writing and reading tests. Tools are there to help us, but we’ll be maintaining those tests for a while.
Battle-stations everyone! We’re going to war!
The webinar will take place on December 8th, 2022, 5 pm CET.
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If you can’t wait, the last webinar recording “10 Expert Postman Testing Tips” is already up. check it out!