“What Is Test Design” – Webinar Recording

I really like this topic. Test design is something we many times skip, or just gloss over.

For example, I have a test for some API, and I need to write the next one. Chances are I’m going to reuse what I can from the setup, modify only what needs modification, and move on. That’s because we only consider the short-term “cost of building”. And we go with it.

Even though I can write a unit test for that thing. The maintenance cost will be bigger, over time, because I chose the wrong design (yes, test type is also a test design).

Test design, when done properly, allows us to design for what we want to learn from the test passing or failing, at a lower cost. Too bad we don’t talk about it much.

But I did. Since I already had some conversations starting with that question at the top.

This webinar recording, with the innocent title “What Is Test Design?“, not only answers the question in the title. I go through properties of designs, how to compare them. I also use SFDIPOT, which is usually a test planning tool, to come up with design techniques. Plus loads of examples.

Also, please try the Test Design Template, totally free to download.

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