Black box vs white box testing

Black and White

Black box, white box. Does our choice of perspective matter? We’ve landed this function declaration: public int add(int a, int b); We’re told that it adds two integer numbers. How should we test it? Let’s see, we can check that sending 2 and 3 returns 5. We can also send Read more…

“How To Be A Mock Star” Recording

Hey folks, come help yourselves to a mockumentary! Well, not really, the webinar is real, completely. In fact, it answers all kinds of questions about mocking techniques, how Spring helps, and sometimes doesn’t, when you use mocking to get to your goal – isolation of the tested code from those Read more…

The Undead Mocks

Do you like horror movies? I do. Especially those Japanese horror movies. You know, when you have that creepy ghost kid, making your life miserable. Pops up behind, moves things around unexpectedly. And on occasion, kill the protagonist. Mocks can be like that. Well, they probably won’t kill you, but Read more…