Why You Should Spring Clean Tests
It’s spring. Do we have clean tests? Any automated test we write, comes with assumptions – how the code will behave, how the setup for the test will push our tests forward, and how are expectations about it are going to be met. There’s a thing that we try not Read more…
“How To Create An API Test Plan” Webinar Recording
Here’s the recording of the latest webinar. It’s about APIs and test planning. I show examples of SFDIPOT in Postman. I also explain that SFDIPOT is a test heuristic. And I explain what is a heuristic. Lots of explaining. The bulk of the session is examples and test cases, which Read more…
The Serialized Killer
Let’s talk serialization. In APIs and testing context, naturally. Serialization is a technique of taking an object and dumping it into a stream. It could be a stream of bytes, zeros and ones. But in the API world, we usually serialize objects into JSON or XML. Here’s an example of Read more…
How To Write Clean Code Quickly
One of the coolest questions I got at TestMu conference was this: How to write clean code quickly? It sounds like a simple question at first, but it does have a lot of depth, if you start pondering about it. Let’s start with the obvious: Do more of it. Write Read more…
Stop digging
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. That’s the law of holes. Really, look it up. There are different sort of holes, shovels and diggers. But this time I’m talking about test automation effort kind-of-a-hole. Adding more test scripts is something inherent into development. We build new features, Read more…