Webinar Recording: Unit Wars
It’s that time of year. Summer’s a bit slow, but with COVID running free as a bug, it’s time to pit two behemoths against each other: JUnit or TestNG? Which do you choose for your next Java project? Turn your AC on and watch this. Or better yet, ask me Read more…
Video: The Cost Of Bugs
Do you know how much bugs cost? Not the big exploding ones. Not the ones you read about in the news. Just regular bugs from work. The ones you put in last week, and one you fix by the end of the day. Seems like part of the work, right? Read more…
Video: Lazy Asserts
You know that feeling when you’re writing a test, and you start of all fresh and energetic, and write the Arrange, the setup part? And that takes much of you, but you keep on going, you get to Act part, that actually executes the code. That’s draining, man. So, in Read more…
How to TDD a REST API – Webinar Recording
So, is it possible? Are the legends true? As always, it depends. But in this webinar I’m tackling one of the worst beasts in coding – TDD an API. I know, I know. They said it couldn’t be done. But twenty small steps later, I’ve got it. In this webinar Read more…
Video: The Mystery of Untestable Code
Does the light in the fridge stay on when you close the door? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries. I’ve almost hired a detective to check that, but then I remembered my engineering background, and the mystery was solved. But what about zombies, or the sasquatch, or untestable code? Well, Read more…
Code Is Cheap
A few weeks back I was working with a client on TDD. We were working on the first part of a new application, to figure out the design. We wrote a test first, of course, for an end-to-end, happy-path scenario. But here’s a surprise. Instead of building the main modules Read more…
Dirty Tests and How To Clean Them – Webinar Recording
Webinar time, and this time it’s Clean Tests (or rather Dirty Tests) time. This session is for the test lover who can’t look at their teammate’s tests and must refactor them. That, or he just found out he wrote that monstrosity, and must hide the evidence. Check out the code Read more…
“The Quality Dashboard” from Odyssey 2021
Conferences are cool, even when they take place in the online ether. So I was happy to bring an updated version of the “Quality Dashboard” session to Odyssey 2021. It’s 55 minutes long, so grab some coffee, and don’t let any baby get in your face until you do. What Read more…
“10 Things They Didn’t Tell You About TDD” – Webinar Recording
Yesss. It’s here. At least the Hebrew version, I have a feeling that we’ll do an English one soon. What is it? It’s a 48 mins of what you don’t read in introduction to TDD books or articles. (Except for Everyday Unit Testing, my book, but you probably knew that). Read more…